

Hello, Beautiful person. Welcome to my Portfolio. 
It contains a few pictures from the collection of projects I have worked on or currently working on, for your viewing pleasure. These pictures are free to use with permission only. Contact me first, and I'll be glad to let you use them. Who knows, I might even give you a higher resolution image!
T-Shirt Design for a Political Campaign in Nigeria.

Flyer for Japan Relief Effort @ My School. 

Flyer for a Moving Company.

Same concept, different result. Japan Disaster Awareness @ My School. 
Same Event, different concept. 

Similar to the one above.

T-Shirt design for ROR Reachout 2011. 

Flyer for a friend's church program. With detachable slip.

Emergency Poster Design I did for a friend. Had to compress it for this page.

Poster/Flyer Design for my Church - Rhapsody Reachout @ Montebello Lake.

Logo Design for a friend of Mine.
@BibiKay (yookos); @Miss419 (twitter).
Doing Some Logo Design for myself. LOL!

Award certificate Template for BLW Morgan State.
Original Idea and template was from @stburnish (yookos & twitter)

Another logo for myself. 

And yet another Logo for myself!
The beauty in creativity is the plethora of choices one has.

Flyer/ Invitation for Church. Btw, you're invited! Grab the address from on here.

Door hanger for a Campus Ministry.

Concept Art for Campus Crusade.

Concept Art 2 for Campus Crusade.

The Flyer I finally ended up designing for the crusade.
With detachable slip.
Which of the 3 looks better?

Flyer design for a fellowship on campus. 

Flyer for a campus business, Screen Sentinel. Feel free to contact them too.

Back of the flyer for the Earlier "Light of The World" design.

Logo Draft for @DarleneZchech (twitter).
You might know her from HillSong.

Flyer design for Campus Fellowship - BLW Morgan State.

Logo Design for @Thomilola's blog.

Another Logo design for @Thomilola's blog

Flyer/Logo design for Moving Company above.
I was not comfortable with the first design at all. (go back a few pictures)
Went back to the drawing board & this resulted. Thank God!

Back of Flyer w Logo design for the same Moving Company.
Great Deal for students too. Contact them!

Flyer for Fellowship w/ deachable slip.
What theme do You think I was trying to go for here? Hint: Its a movie.

Flyer design for BLW Morgan State Cell Ministry

ROR Banner. Should go with the T-shirt design above.

One of the First designs I did - over 2 yrs ago, for a program.
The Young shall grow, not so?

Talk about the Young Growing. Flyer for a friend - Spoken Word event @ her school.

Added a light effect to the previous flyer, and blam!

Poster/Banner design for a Raffle drawing for people to follow Pastor Chris on twitter.
Pictures of the event are here

Different background, same concept.

Flyer for a friend - Emergency design.

Logo ReDesign and Banner/Poster design for a Friend's church.

Polo design for the Medical Technology Club at my school. The Director loved it!


  1. I love d reachout USA banner, Bibikay's style Icon logo, the last Morgan 4 Japan flyer and the sentinel (laptop screen repairs. U've done quite a bit u know. really nyc, welldone!

    Thnx again 4 mine.

  2. Hi CeeJay,

    Thanks for the compliment on Twitter. My advice is to get yourself a self-hosted portfolio site. Something that's not Blogspot. comes highly recommended. Been using it for five years.

    Good luck on your journey.

  3. Great logos. I especially liked the 'Spoken Word Event' poster and the second Rhema logo you designed for Thomilola's blog.


Your comments are appreciated, and your opinions welcome!